Puerto Rico Manufacturing Extension, Inc.
Who We Are
Puerto Rico Manufacturing Extension (PRiMEX) is a private non-profit organization, organized in 1996 through the initiative of Puerto Rico Department of Economic Development and Commerce (DEDC) and the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), a program under the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). As part of a national network, PRiMEX supports the needs of all Puerto Rico’s small and medium enterprises (SME’s) by providing services to improve their business processes.
To facilitate retention and competitive growth of Puerto Rico’s small and medium industries by providing assistance in new technologies and business practices with the best resources available within a cost effective model.
Be recognized as the main contributor in transforming Puerto Rico industries into world class competitors.

Ramón Vega
Executive Director

Maritere Cancel
Administrative Asistant

Rafael Pagán
Project Engineer

Ilia Cordoliani
Business Developer &
Marketing Coordinator

Natali Camacho
Project Engineer

Arnaldo García
Payroll/Accounts Payable

Tiffany Herrera
Suppliers Scouting & Social Media

Teresa Torres
Accounts Receivable
Our Partners

268 Av. Luis Muñoz Rivera, San Juan, 00918
Our hours
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Monday – Friday
Contact us
Phone: 787 756 0505
Email: info@primexpr.org